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Parenting Coaching

The image above isn't a stock photo, those are my children playing happily on the beach in the freezing cold. They are amazing and the absolute loves of my life but  I’ll be honest with you, nothing in my life has every challenged me as much as being a parent has.


I went into it with confidence, after all I had cared for some really challenging children before I had my own. If I could look after traumatised children surely looking after my own would be a breeze? Then I met my daughter and realised that my confidence had been misplaced.


I couldn’t understand it. I knew all the theory but somehow I just couldn’t seem to get it right. Like a lot of high-achieving, driven people I felt out of control for the first time in my life and I didn’t like it. This tiny little person held power over me like no one ever had before. No one had ever been able to push my buttons like she did. I adored her but I felt like I was failing.


It was only after a lot of self-reflection that I realised that I needed to start really listening and parenting the child I had, rather than the child I had created in my mind. How I wish there had been a parenting coach around to help me through this process! There was no where to turn when I needed help.


My work as a parenting coach combines my training as an NLP4parents practitioner with my experience working with hundreds of families while a practicing as a social worker and my experience caring for extremely complex children in my role as a manager of a therapeutic children's home. So you can trust me that I really have seen and heard it all!


My parenting mantra is "behaviour is communication" and my work with families involves helping them to understand the communication. Because if you don't understand the communication you have very little chance of changing the behaviour.


There are lots of challenges of parenting, achieving work life balance, managing sibling relationships, having differing parenting styles within your relationship, helping children cope with separations and new relationships.


Parenting coaching gives parents the emotional space and tools to be able to negotiate challenges to improve the connection with your child and get more joy from parenting.  This isn’t a one size fits all approach, it’s the support you need to learn to effectively parent the children you have.


If you want to find out more about what I can do to help your family move to towards greater harmony and understanding please contact me to arrange a free initial consultation session. 



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