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Our understanding of the neuroscience of behaviour has grown massively over the past 20 years. However a lot of this new understanding is not widely known or understood, particularly how it relates to parenting.  I start from a biological perspective. I explain how understanding more about human emotions can guide how we intervene and when. I often work with parents who are struggling with different parenting styles. Understanding behaviour from a biological perspective can really help them to figure out what will work from their children, rather than becoming becoming stuck defending their own positions. 


My work as a parenting coach combines my training as an NLP4parents practitioner with my experience working with hundreds of families while a practicing as a social worker and my experience caring for extremely complex children in my role as a manager of a therapeutic children’s home. I also continue to work directly with children as an NLP4kids therapist so you know that what I am saying about children is based on years of really spending time talking to children and trying to understand their perspectives. 


My parenting mantra is “behaviour is communication” and my work with parents involves helping them to decode that communication, because if you don’t understand the behaviour you have very little chance of changing it. That doesn't mean that I'm going to make parenting easy. Sometimes it is going to be tough. But what I am going to be able to do is make it more understandable, help you respond more predictably and consistently, and get you to a point where you feel confident that you are taking the best approach for your children.


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